Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a send-off {military}

this day was bittersweet to me - my husband left for afghanistan for too many months for my taste...but it was my first chance to capture military moments on my camera, and i loved it. it was heart-wrenching seeing a man say goodbye to his newborn child, and knowing how many of these brave men were leaving their children at home and their wives behind. it's sad, but at the same time, you can't help but be so proud that a lot of these men do this because they want to...they like their responsibility. and that's what makes our country the best <3

i'll miss you, sergeant harshbarger <3

andrew was the only guy who didn't make a ridiculous face when i took his picture alone.

i love this.
mine, liz's and october's brave husbands "modeling"
my next goal is to photograph a homecoming. i can't wait to capture all that emotion and love on camera. just the thought of it makes me so excited! there's one coming up sometime this month, so i'm going to try my hardest to make it there, and hopefully make some new clients while i'm at it :)


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